Who do I want to be?

Halloween is in the air and on the mind because it’s Friday night of Halloweekend and I’m going to a friend’s birthday soon. It’s such a fun energy and time, always—a time where we all get to ask ourselves, who do I want to be? Or, what? And get to ask each other, What are you going to be??

Of course I’ve made this spiritual/philosophical/whatever over dinner just now, and realized that often when I check in with myself, whether in reflection, like journaling, or preparation, like heading into a meeting, day or outing, I’m asking myself: Who do I want to be? Who do I want to be in this moment, how do I want to be? How do I want to show up?

So, boo, Halloween is kind of all the time and this little note is my way of reminding myself. And I like that idea; it makes the possibility and impermanence of a holiday where you can be anything for a time feel like forever fun.