Ready to let this go

I returned home to my apartment in Venice last week with the urge to go through all of my belongings and minimize, minimize, scale back and lighten, the way that living out of a suitcase for 1.5 months in Puerto Rico and feeling like I had more than enough can do to a person.

I spent a lot of my time in Puerto Rico going on long, present walks around my aunt’s neighborhood in Guaynabo. I was fully immersed in those walk, feeling what was ready to be let go falling off me and what I needed to take in as nourishment from the tropical climate, with all my senses, in every sense, finding its way to me, seeping into me.

Finding myself ready, wanting to let go of physical things coincided with deciding I was ready to let go of certain stories, ideas and perceptions that I realized were starting to feel clunky, heavy or unnecessary. The most recent time someone asked me, meaning it as a compliment, “Why aren’t you married?” I didn’t feel the need, desire or defense to respond. Just a shrug and smile.

And then, as if my body was responding and saying it was on board with all of this letting go, I got super sick, an intense 24-hour stomach bug that humbles and comes as quickly as it goes and leaves me remembering, once again, how very lucky I am to have my every day health.

I don’t really know how else to end this, or what the ending is of continuing to let go, but I know I’m ready.


I’ve realized recently that a lot of what comes to me to write here, much of what I anchor around in a form of metaphysical balance, is around allowance.

Let it go, let go.

Let it be enough.

Let it be good.

Let it come.

Let yourself receive.

Live, and let live.

The letting, the surrender, the allowance, the trust of it all, I’ve continue to come to understand, more and more, as maybe the most powerful and empowering thing I can do. So, I allow. I allow it all, to unfold, to come in, to show the way, to guide me, to be big. To enliven my life and help me live, to be even more alive.

Let it all fall into place

Fallen into fall, after all, or something! The turning, vibrant, dropping leaves on my recent East Coast visit had me feeling more of an air of surrender, and thinking about the grandness of allowing. Of how by allowing things to be, to fall as they may, things fall into place. That releasing my grip of control—and control comes from fear—allows things to be as they’re meant to be. And what results has repeatedly shown me, and continues to show me, is better than I ever could have imagined, anything that I could have controlled into creation.

Let go, and let it all fall into place. The trees know. And they look so beautiful doing it, too.