Intuition is a voice that grows stronger

…the quieter I get, the more I go within with meditation, the more I honor it and validate it by following it, the stronger the voice of intuition gets.

All the voices, all the noise, and, there are differences. This one is different. It’s quieter and more resolute. It comes from a deeper place, one within the core of my being, and it’s unwavering. That’s mine, and maybe, because yours is yours, it’s different for you. I hope you get to know it, because it’s really such a fulfilling relationship.

I’ve found honoring intuition in small ways, like through following charm in little daily moments of play, makes it easier to follow it in bigger ways (the little things are the big things), to step into it when it maybe feels scarier. Yes, this, too, is right. And it is all right.

Intuition is a voice that grows stronger—like most things—with belief and honor and love.

Follow charm

In the Vedic meditation community, we talk a lot about “following charm” (more here). It’s the encouraged, natural, intuitive way to move through life. Whenever I introduce friends to the phrase—when I am charmed to—I’ve found they love it. How charming.

The more I’ve cultivated a habit around looking for it, listening for it, feeling for it and following it (as charm presents in so many ways), the more clearly I find it glint and glitter in every moment. I’ve introduced much more lightheartedness and play into my days as a result, and it gently redirects me away from a life a “should’s,” and the empty operation of autopilot. (“We have to stop should-ing ourselves,” is one of those go-to mindfulness language jokes.) Because that’s when purpose comes through, and all is a muscle, and the more I follow charm, the more I see it glint and glitter in every moment.

I’ve found a handful of regular, quotidian ways to fold charm into daily decisions. The little inflection/reflection points have become opportunities to return and re-root with charm, especially if I’ve veered off course in a sea of emails and pings.

Questions & moments for inviting in charm:

  • What do I want to wear? How do I want to dress up? Who do I want to be, how do I want to feel?

  • What do I want to eat? What feels like it will feel good now, and one hour from now?

  • How do I want to move my body? Some days it’s a high-intensity workout, others a yoga flow, and some days an hour of rollerblading on the Venice Beach boardwalk. In many moments throughout the day, it’s dance breaks, which really make me so happy.

  • What do I want to do, in this very moment? Is what I’m doing, or is what I planned to do something that has to get done? (Like, does it really have to get done, like, right now?) If not, is there something else I would rather be doing?

I started drafting another post, and then I was charmed to write this one. I published another post, and I was charmed to return to this one.

Enjoy the charmed path—it’s completely yours!