In Puerto Rico, where I am now, it’s common around the holidays and this time of year for people to wish each other “Felicidades.” The direct translation of this is simply, “Congratulations.”
The direct translation of “Happy Holidays” is “Felices Fiestas,” which people also say, but I love how freely given the overarching “Congratulations!” is. Walking by someone, checking out at the supermarket, greeting a neighbor. Because why not congratulate each other, and ourselves, for all of it, and for over a month (if not more??). Life is to be celebrated, and we can always find reasons to celebrate. (And they do in Puerto Rico, and that’s another reason I love it here. We have Three Kings Day to come still, too.)
So, felicidades! This time of year, and always. For being here and just being you and always finding reasons to be proud of ourselves and celebrate.